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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Application Abroad

My husband is jobless for almost 4 years now. His last job was a sales associate with an insurance company. It is not good because he doesn't have a basic income. He would only get money if he will be able to close a sale. For the past years he is the one taking care of our kid and doing house chores. I know it is a tough job because during my day off I am the one taking care of David and Rhaine and doing some household chores. It is tiring and sometimes frustrating. I would prefer working at work rather than doing household chores the whole week.

As a guy or father of the family, I know how he feels, that is why I don't or never criticize him about it even when we have some fights. He tried applying but I guess because of his age and not much of an experience he was having a hard time looking for a job. This year he is decided to work abroad instead. He tried to apply for abroad for a couple of times last year but no luck. This time he wanted to apply more often because our family is now growing and we need more money to be able to support our kids needs. By this year also our new house might be turn over to us and we need extra income to fix it since it is a bare unit.

If I will be given a choice I will not let him go away. If only we have an extra money to open up a business it would be better. I am used to having him around and I am not sure what will happen if he leaves. Anyway I need to be strong and be ready to what ever may happen. So far he had a lot of applications recently but nothing confirm yet. There was one for Malaysia which I told him not to go because the offer is not that good. I pray to God to guide us to what would be a better decision.

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