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Tuesday, July 7, 2009


(9th day of my ML) Tonight I should be lying down in the hospital waiting for my operation early in the morning. Since the medicine that I need for my blood type RH negative is not available we need to postpone the operation.

My OB give me a supplier who also sells a medicine for RH negative patients but then their selling different brand. What they have in Winrho, which is more than twice the price of Rhogam. Rhogam is about 6k+ while Winrho is 15K+. They said its price is around 6k before as well but there was a sudden increase. I wonder maybe Rhogam is unavailable bec. of the change of price. Maybe when it comes out that price would be somewhere the same price of Winrho. Anyway I will visit my OB again tomorrow for another check up and probably resched the operation on Friday. Its really hard to have a royal blood! @_@

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