Wednesday, November 2, 2011

My Leisure 18 Slimming Juice Experience

Seeing my sister-in-law as a living proof, I got entice with Leisure slimming product. She used Leisure Slimming Coffee which she drinks 30mins before breakfast. I was not able to verify how many days she drink the coffee but I can see in her figure the difference. I decided then to order from her Leisure 18 Orange Slimming juice since I am not a coffee lover. I am one of those mothers out there who was not able to recover from big tummy and fats after giving birth. One box contains 13 sachets, it makes me excited reading from the box that it also helps whiten the skin too. I started taking it last October 16, 2011. I did not check my weight but what I remember from my last check up I weight 62lbs. Just like others it makes my mouth dry making me drink lots of water, I perspire more when the temp is hot, my stomach feels full with little amount of food. 

With those side effects, I decided to drink more slimming juice until the end of November. However, after I finished drinking for two weeks I was not able to get my 2nd box right away since it was out of stock. First day without drinking the juice, I still have all the side effects, dry mouth, perspire easily and feels full very quickly. The 2nd day without it, I felt something different. I feel dizzy, this is the first time I felt this dizziness.  I've never experience this feeling of dizziness before... it makes me just want to lie down and take a rest. I thought it might be the effect of eating bulalo for lunch in Tagaytay... maybe I got high blood or low blood. I actually sleep early when we got home. Anyway the third day.. I still feel a little bit dizzy... I would say its tolerable because I was still able to work. But the feeling of dizziness makes me feel tired and also makes me worry because I've never experience this... ever. I started to google then about the Leisure juice and I find out that has "sibutramine." Its a substance used before to help obese people to loosen weight but due to safety reason US removed it from the market last October of 2010. This substance substantially increase blood pressure, pulse rate in some patients and may present a significant risk for patients with history of coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure or stroke. For more info click on this link from FDA

I just got my 2nd box today and I am thinking if I would continue drinking it. As of now I still have dizziness/lightheaded. Sometimes if I move my head quickly I feel head ache. I really feel tired and can sleep easily compare to before. I will keep the juice for the meantime until I feel better... I may not continue drinking this...


  1. same here...i felt that way too!!!so i stopped drinking that juice...i rushed to the hospital because my white blood increases...i was so worried that time...i felt that i was dying...Im peeing already in my wheelchair...thank GOD Im ok now...

  2. Hi,

    I've been looking where I can purchase the authentic juice and coffee. I'd really appreciate it if you can assist me with this or direct me to somebody. thank you.


  3. Yeah, the authentic one seems to have died out. Can't find it anymore.

  4. How can you distinguish the genuine from fake.? I used to drink this juice product for almost 2months and already killing 7boxes of it. I also experience the above mentioned even the dizzyness. I only feel dizzy everytime i feel hungry. I just ate a little,then got feel ok. By the i ran out of stock and havent drinking it for a couple of days, the result is different. I always feel hungry and craving for something to eat. The rebound is to double my appetite. So untill now, i continue drinking it and already loose 8kilos in almost 2months.

  5. i have just got my first box which i will be starting tomormow. would you advise taking these juice drinks cause the above feedback doesnt seem to great?

  6. how much per box of slimming juice and slimming coffee? which is fastest to lose weight? any idea guys? thanks

  7. Where i can get this ...i try 1 box its 1 month i lost. Weight 6 kilo..,
