Friday, November 4, 2011


100/80, that is my normal BP every time I have my regular check up with my OB. Earlier today I decided to check my BP since I feel pain in my nape going up to my head. I still think that this is the side effect of drinking the Leisure 18 Slimming Juice. I've never experience this pain before. After my lunch break at work (which is actually early in the morning; around 4:00am), I decided to visit our clinic to check my BP. When I enter the clinic the nurse is talking to one of my office mate. I told her I just want to check my BP. My office mate greeted me, "High blood"? (hehehe) I guess its normal for those working in the call center specially those with more experience (matatanda, lol) I would say to have high BP. I'm only 29 and I would say still very young. I removed my jacket and the nurse wrapped the BP belt ( I don't know what you call it) and started to pump. I wonder how they read the BP using that measuring device. She said my BP was 120/80....hmmm not far from my normal BP. I then started to google and I find out that I am between normal and hypertensive which is called prehypertension. Look on the chart below which I found from this link.
Its been a week now since I stopped drinking the slimming juice and so far I still don't feel well. The dizziness disappeared but now I have this pain on my nape going to my head and I still feel very tired. I need to be more careful or else I might fall in stage 1 hypertension. It runs in our family so I really  need to work on this. I need to eat healthy food and regular exercise. 

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