Friday, October 28, 2011

Free Bone Scan

Last Saturday our office conducted free bone scan to all employees. This is my first time and I really don't know how it works. Some of the info I read online says they would inject something then do a scan. Anyway I was the first one on the line, thanks to my friend who asked me to be there, (singit) hehe. They use a machine like the picture on the left. The nurse sprayed alcohol on my foot, I guess its not really required to do the scan, maybe this is if in case there is someone with dirty or bad smelling feet. After two minutes it was done, what I remember my score was negative 1.5., medium risk. Another nurse presented me a power point about bone and calcium. They are offering Anlene which is very helpful in strengthening bones and to avoid osteoporosis. I told her I am taking caltrate plus, she mention that residues from tablets/medicine can cause problem to our liver, drinking milk is still better. They give free taste of anlene and was selling a small box for P118. At first I though they would give those boxes for free. I did not buy it, I know the risk and I would just continue taking caltrate plus. My OB told me the injection that she give me every 3 months for me not to get pregnant lowers my calcium so she advises me not to forget taking caltrate plus. I also need to have regular exercise to help strengthen my bones. My only exercise so far is walking from our Subdivision's gate to our house every morning after work. I guess I need to do more work out and leave a healthier life style. 

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