Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Kalderetang Buto-buto

My mom send me a text message to cook spaghetti last Sunday. It was because it is fiesta. In our religion we don't celebrate fiesta but I guess having food during the said event already become a custom. Well at first my mom wanted to cook just spaghetti but then my dad requested to have more, hehehe. He is the current Home Owner President so I guess he do have some visitors. Well I cooked red spaghetti and a white one. My dad bought 10kls of buto-buto and wanted to make caldereta out of it.

This is the first time I will cook this menu and I am excited, hehehe. My mom has a how to instruction text message from tita melet. She said the secret is onion, lots of onions. (no longer a secret). I would not post the ingredients and how to cook because it might be proprietary (lol). Well it was fun. Since we cook it in a small pot we divided into four. Four different recipes, yeah! The first one is using my tita's recipe, the 2nd one is my dad style, the third batch is mine and the last batch is my mom. Four different caldereta with one thing in common, all of them with lots of onions and chopped "sili." My brother borrowed my camera so I was not able to take pics. I feel so full that I was not able to eat a lot, if I am the cook I always feel that way.

Additional: I've noticed a lot of people get this link in search of kaldereta buto-buto so I decided to make a post on how to cook it. Click here.

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