Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Fukuda Electric Fan

Last Sunday our electric fan finally give up after 5yrs of service. In the past couple of months the temperature was really really hot that I am having a hard time sleeping at noon. I worked at night so sleeping at noon is common to me. Our stand fan (Hanabishi) is a wedding gift to us. This summer we over abused it. We only turn it off when we are not at home. I don't have a back up fan so I guess that is why it got broken. We are living in a small room so there is no space for another stand fan. It is already giving me sign that it is about to give up and wanted to rest. At first it stop rotating, then the performance of the fan is not as cool as before. A few weeks ago when we came home it would not start unless we manually rotate the fan. Working 24/7 I guess is really tiring and exhausting. Although these are machine they still have life and needs to rest.

I am trying to save money  so we bought a Fukuda stand fan where I was able to save about 300-400 bucks. It cost me P999 to get it. While on the line there was this lady who got mad when the cashier asked for a valid ID when she presented a credit card. I will make another post about that. Anyway I never heard of this brand, Fukuda. When we tested it the performance is good and it looks good as well. One more thing the service center is very near our place and it comes with 1yr warranty.

I searched online to find a review on their electric fan and I found something about their industrial fan. It only worked for about two years and some are making noise or the fan is getting rusty. Not a good experience from the said review. But then I also find out that Fukuda is included in the list of companies that are certified by DTI. Well I guess it is time who will tell me if this brand is good or not. If it will surpass the 5yrs service of my Hanabishi fan. I hope it will.

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