Saturday, May 8, 2010

Doctorate Degree

They say education is a legacy that our parent can give us which nobody can take away. I am very thankful for my parents that I was able to graduate with a degree of Computer Engineering. It was a 5 year journey to be able to finish this course. I still remember those sleepless nights when we are making our thesis. Now that I am sending my little boy to school I realized how hard and expensive it is.

As far as I know Computer Engineering doesn't have a licensing exam unlike other engineering courses. But then you can still a get Computer Engineering Doctoral Degree. I am thinking if I will be able to spend time and money on this. It is not part of my dream but it would be something to be proud of if you are able to finish it. My brother is a graduate of Business Administration and I am not sure if he has a plan of getting Doctor of Business Administration (DBA). But for my sister in law, who is teaching I think for about 7 years now, I would recommend her to get Doctor of Education (Ed.D.). I believe this would be helpful on her teaching career. I was browsing online about different doctorate degree and I am wondering what is Master of Public Health (MPH).

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