Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

Today is mother's day and I want to greet my mom, Luz Endaya Apuntar, Happy Mother's Day! Truly nothing can compare to a mother's love to his kids. I really appreciate every little things that she does. Now that I am a mother too, I understand her more and I also have that special kind of love to my kids. 

Later we will visit her again. Actually we sleep over there last night. We are planning to cook spaghetti and I am thinking of buying a cake. I hope I will not forget my camera to have some pictures. We will stay overnight since we are going to the same school tomorrow for the upcoming election.

 Red Ribbon Cake
Cookies on Cake
 Slicing the Cake
Coffee + Cake
Robin cooking spaghetti
Yummy Spaghetti

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