Saturday, May 8, 2010

Automated Election

Since this is the first time Philippines will use the automated machine for election I guess this list of things that we need to be aware of will be helpful. This info will help us so that our ballot will not be voided. I got this email from one of my office mate. Thanks to Charisma Bayot for forwarding this email.

Subject: On the May 10, 2010 ballot
> Some interesting information.
>  Just want to share with you some things I learned about the ballot for the coming automated elections. I hope the information below will help
> voters out there. I think that since this is the first automated elections the country is having, it's going to take some adjustment and adaptation
> on the part of voters, and extra knowledge/informati on is sure to help anyone heading to the polls on May 10, 2010.
> 1. Mr. Diaz said that the ballot is very, very sensitive to marks, ink, H20, stains, scratches, folds, sweat, etc. If, say, you have grime on your
> hands, or your hands are wet, or your sweat drips onto the ballot, the PCOS (Precinct Count Optical Scan) Unit will not read it. So, keep your hands
> very clean before voting. That is why the indelible ink will be put on your finger after you're done voting, and not before, and why you will be
> given your ballot in a folder, a "Ballot Secrecy Folder", so that you can lessen the actual handling of the ballot with your hands.
> 2. Shade the egg-shaped hole beside your chosen candidate fully(you will be provided with a marker). Don't check, line, X, dot, or half-shade it,
> because the PCOS Unit will not read it. Try not to go beyond the lines also (well, not too much).
> 3. Mr. Diaz said that there will be a bar code going around the ballot. If this is marked, even scratched, in any way, the ballot will be spoiled.
> He said that if anyone else handles the ballot, watch them well, in case they intentionally scratch the barcode with a fingernail to prevent your
> ballot from being counted. He used as an example that if you're obviously for a candidate that, say, an unscrupulous precinct official is against
> (hopefully, there's no such thing as an unscrupulous precinct official ;-P), that official may scratch your barcode to prevent your vote from being
> counted.
> 4. You will have four tries to put your ballot through the PCOS Unit. You can put it in forward, backward, front side up, back side up, whichever,
> but only four tries. If after the 4th try it doesn't read properly, goodbye ballot.
> 5. You will get one chance to have your ballot changed if you don't like it. That's when they first hand it to you. Inspect it right away. If you
> see any folds, scratches, or marks, you can ask for a change (which may lengthen your voting process, Mr. Diaz added).
> 6. Bring a list of your chosen candidates on a piece of paper so that you won't spend too much time filling out the ballot. If you make your
> decisions on the day itself without a list, you could spend a long time filling it up.
> 7. Watch the readout on the PCOS Unit when you insert your ballot into it. Mr. Diaz said that if successful, it'll read, "Congratulations! Your
> ballot has been scanned." If not, it'll say why (improper shading, etc.) Get that " Congratulations" message before leaving to make sure your vote
> is counted.
> 8. Bring an ID (Voter's ID is best, but if you don't have one, driver's license, passport, etc. any valid ID with your address and preferably a
> photo is all right) to present to the BEI (Board of Elections Inspector). If you can find out beforehand through your barangay, also get your
> Voter's ID number, precinct number, and your sequence number (the number beside your name in the voter's list). This'll speed up your voting
> process.
> 9. The ballot you are given will only be readable by one specific PCOS Unit. In other words, only one machine will be able to read your ballot,
> because it's pre-registered there, so when you're ready, line up at the proper machine. Don't line up at the wrong machine; your ballot won't be
> read, and it may spoil your vote.
> 10. Polls open on May 10, 2010, at 7 a.m. and end at 6 p.m.
> 11. Mr. Diaz said that the Comelec told him that with the PCOS Units, we will know the winner of the elections in 5 days. Otherwise, the PCOS Units
> will allow for a manual count since all votes will be recorded inside the machines (let's hope it doesn't come to that, because it's going to take
> the usual weeks and weeks to finish the count).
> 12. The PCOS Units have internal batteries that can last 16 hours in case of power outages. Since the voting period only lasts 10 hours, there's a 6
> hour buffer. But still, let's hope for no brownouts on May 10, 2010.
> 13. The PCOS Unit will print out the vote count in what looks like a very long cash register receipt (whose print will last for 5 years, he said),
> which will be put into a sealed box that'll be sent to the Comelec for proper counting. Also, the PCOS Unit will count the number of voters who are
> voting based on the ballots inserted into it, so again, watch the screen on the machine to make sure of voter count, as well as other important
> messages.
> 14. Mr. Diaz said that you should vote only the exact number you should vote for. So, vote for only 1 president, 1 vice president, 12 senators, 1
> party list, 1 mayor, 1 vice mayor, 1 member of theHouse of Representatives, etc. (the limit will be there on your ballot as a "Vote for not more
> than ____"). If you vote for more than the stipulated number, that particular portion of the ballot is spoiled. You may, however, vote for less (as
> in, if you can't find 12 worthy senatoriables to vote for, it's all right to vote for less than 12).
> 15. Mr. Diaz stressed repeatedly that in voting this time, one should not make mistakes. It's asking a lot from us, but he said that over and over
> again. His words: "Don't make mistakes, otherwise, you'll spoil your ballot".
> 16. Of course, you'll also be asked to do the usual signing of forms and marking of thumbprints.
> Feel free to share this email. I wish I could take questions, but I only took notes as Mr. Diaz was speaking, so I doubt if I will know the answers.
> Any questions you have can be sent to your Barangay Captains, or to the Comelec.
> I hope this information helps!

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