Wednesday, July 1, 2009

3rd Day of my ML

I cooked sinigang na buto-buto today. I wonder what to cook tomorrow. I guess most of my post during my leave is more about David going to school and my new baby. Robin accompanied David inside his classroom so he did not cried a lot. He went home with two smileys, one on each hands. As a little reward I let him play computer games today. I told my husband we need to sacrifice a little bit for David. I am planning to go with David maybe after I give birth. I am thankful for my husband for bringing our little boy to school everyday. There still no change in the weather it still very very hot.

I had a bad news before going to sleep. My mom called me because she needs to borrow my digital camera. Our van had a little accident in Quezon. It is a good thing nobody is hurt but then there is big damaged caused by the bus hitting the back of the van. I hope everything will be alright, they were hoping that the bus company will cover the expense of the repair.

Good Night and God Bless!

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