Tuesday, June 30, 2009

2nd Day of my ML

Well nothing new today. The weather is still very hot as well as my temper. Why? Same thing happen again today in school. David doesn't want to enter his classroom and he just like running around in the school. We let him go back home again but this time I am the one who spank him. Haayss!!

I am really getting very frustrated that I wanted him to stop going to school. But then I am thinking of the money that we already spend and also his growth. Tomorrow I told my husband I will not accompany them going to school. Since nothing happens or no changes even if we spank David, I told my husband just bring him to school and if he doesn't want to enter his classroom just let him play. I told him not to scold David. Just be in the school everyday until he feels comfortable being with his classmate and teacher.

Patience, patience, patience...... this is what we need. I pray to God to help us be a good parent to David.

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