Thursday, July 2, 2009

Tocino for Lunch

(4th day of my ML) Before David went to school I told him I will cook his favorite cornedbeef. But then I changed my mind and cooked tocino instead. It is because I decided to make fried rice and its a good partner with tocino. I did not fry egg though.

How do you cook tocino? Me, I boiled the tocino until the water is gone and then add some oil to fry it. Don't put to much water or else you will lose its flavor. Simmer it in low fire. It is a good lunch for us. Yummy!

As usual Robin stayed inside David's classroom. David did have some stars and smiley on their school activities. One problem though is he doesn't like to color a lot. If the teacher ask them to color too many items he will not finish it. He learned the difference between inside and outside today. Tomorrow their topic is the difference between on and under. I already taught him in advance. I hope he will not forget about it tomorrow.

Not much to say. Thanks for the quotation that you send me TL Mavic!

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