Monday, June 29, 2009

Managing Your Debt

Do you have credit cards, installment plans or loans here and there? Or in short a lot of debts? Maybe at first you are thinking it is very little but in the long process those little debt can pile up to a very big one. Be very careful... although there are very few people who goes to jail because of debt there are a lot who suffers high blood or heart attack because of too much thinking. Better manage your debt now before it manages you.

My debt is starting to pile up so I am trying to research on how to manage it. I have 2 credit cards (both are almost on its credit limit) and one financial loan. I am the only one working and I have a little boy who is nursery. We also decided to get a house of our own which I am currently paying. One more thing I am about to give birth maybe in one or two weeks and I don't have any savings. Just thinking about it can make me crazy but I am trying to calm myself because I know worrying will not help. I am asking for God's assistance to help me decide on what to do.

As I browse the web here are some of the tips that I learned. First thing that you need to do is to stay out of debt. Don't put additional amount to your current debt. Then start to budget your money. Sacrifice other things like watching movies, eating in fancy restaurants, buying unnecessary items, etc. Also while trying to pay your debts try to save money as well even for a very little amount. I guess I will be able to start managing after my maternity leave since I will not have any income for two months. I hope with God's help everything will be alright.

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