Saturday, June 27, 2009

Maternity Leave

Maternity leave is one of the benefits of all women who are working. You will be given 60 days if you give birth normal and 78 days for CS. Yesterday was my last day of work. Technically my ML will start on Monday (June 29) but since Saturday and Sunday is our days off, I consider today as the start of my rest.

My first kid was born through CS operation and my OB said that it will be the same thing for my 2nd baby. I am already on my 37th weeks and I may give birth anytime from now. I already selected a date when to give birth and I hope I will not labor before that.

I wonder what I will do for 78 days aside of course from taking care of my kids. I would like to look for some sideline online since I don't have any salary for more than 2 months. I only earn very little from blogging. I did sign up for oDesk and I hope I will be able to find good job there.

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