Monday, June 29, 2009

1st Day of my ML

I have 78 days of maternity leave since I will give birth through caesarian operation. Today is the 1st day. I am planning to post anything about what happen during the day since I don't have a lot of things to do at home.

We'll this morning it is another crying event with David. It is his 3rd week in nursery and his dad took him home again because of too much crying. I think it is because of a long vacation. They don't have school from Wednesday to Friday because of a storm and parents and teachers meeting. It is a total of 5 days including weekends. And I think the other thing that triggers his tantrum is when I told her that mommy will visit the doctor and I will wait for him at SM.

Same thing happened just like last week. His dad spank him and David did not went back to school. As a punishment I did not buy him a toy at SM and he is not allowed to play computer game which is his favorite. Tomorrow I am planning to accompany him going to school and I hope everything will be alright. Till then.... ^_^

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