Thursday, May 21, 2009

Nurse's Guide to Good Living

The demand for nurses every year increases abruptly. They say nursing, as a profession is really a tough job.  You need to work in a shifting schedule and attend to different kind of patients with different attitude. Patience and endurance is needed to be able to survive. Despite busy schedules nurses need to show that they care for their patients. 

This kind of job is stressful.  So for those of you out there who are nursing students, new nurse or seasoned nurse there is a website created especially for you. Scrubs is like an online magazine for nurses as a guide to have a good living in spite of busyness. 

The site is very simple and user friendly. With its simplicity you will love browsing through it.  It is a nursing site that doesn't only deal with nursing as a profession but also deals on your personal needs.  You will be able to find career advises, inspiring stories, beauty and fashion tips and a lot of ideas in making your downtime relaxing.

They also feature some applications like "The Scrubbies" - here you can create and print a certificate for special nurse in your life. You can also send it via email using a pdf format. One other application is "Tip Jar" - it gives an article about specific topic where you can also leave a comment. You an also participate in their "Nursing Polls."

If you want to receive email from them visit Scrubs now and subscribe to their website. I salute all nurses all over the world.  


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