Friday, May 22, 2009

Working Abroad

A lot of my schoolmates in high school and college are already working abroad. Some in the US, New Zealand, Australia, Singapore, Japan etc. I don't know, but I've never dream of working abroad. I want to travel , maybe have a vacation, but not work in other countries. I still prefer to stay here in the Philippines with my family and friends.

My husband is having a hard time looking for a job here so he is planning to work abroad instead. He will have an interview later this morning and I am not sure what to ask God. I want him to go but there is a feeling of fear that me and my kids will be left alone. He said, he don't have any plans of working abroad for a long time. Just a single contract of 2 or 3 yrs maybe enough to save money and put up a small business.

There is a possibility of him leaving before I give birth this coming July. I really have this anxiety of what will happen or what will I do. I knew a lot of family with father's working abroad and they are actually fine. I guess I just need to get use to it. Whatever happens I pray God will lead us on what would be the best decision to do. I really love my family.

1 comment:

  1. yes working abroad is the best option for most Filipinos now. but there are still many who prefers to stay here.
