Sunday, May 17, 2009

3 L's that we should do about the Word of God

Bible - "Word of God" ; There has never been a book written like it. 

Some Facts about the Bible:
1. It was written over 40 Generations
2. It was written over 40 Authors from many walks of Life (kings, peasants, philosophers, fishermen, poets, phropets etc)
3. First book to be printed in 1454
4. It was written from about 1450 BC to 100 AD
5. The Old Testament was written in Hebrew and the New Testament was written in Greek but now the bible is written  in 6,000 different languages around the world.
6. The word "Trinity" is never mentioned in the Bible
7. Last used word in the bible is "Amen"

The Bible is really amazing.  It is the word of God for all generation.  If you have questions about life read the bible.  It is advisable to meditate on God's word so that when problem or temptation occurs you have a word of God to cling on.

We should:
1. Love the Word of God
2. Learn the Word of God
3. Live the Word of God

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