Saturday, March 17, 2012

Lung Center Clearance

My husband applied again for work in Taiwan at Jerzon Agency. Last time they were part of the 2nd prio but was not able to leave. This time he is part of the 2nd batch but unfortunately he failed in the x-ray. The result shows he has granuloma. I can see how frustrated he was because he do have plans of paying our debts and renovating our house etc. He was advise by the agency to go to Lung Center in Quezon City for 2nd opinion. Supposedly he should get the result this coming Monday but his colleague who happens to fail also asked him to accompany him yesterday. It was good news since he was given clearance and given a fit to work letter. He would visit Jerzon on Monday and we are looking for good news. I don't want him to leave us but I guess this is for our betterment and also for him to feel much better that he can help. I pray to God to be with us and let his will be done. 

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