Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Goodbye Lola

It was David's graduation day when my mom send me a text message that my lola passed away. I am not surprised since she's going in and out of the hospital recently. I did not cry but I am sad for what happen. I did not reply to her message because I am speechless. I was not able to visit her when she was confined at the hospital. Lola has diabetes for so many years and I think there are already lots of complications that cause her death. She also had a mild stroke before and she is high blood too. Alzheimer is also one of her illness before she got bed ridden. I still remember when she was still ok. She's talkative and love telling stories. I do remember her stories about dwarfs that kidnapped my tito when he was still small. Thanks to God for her long life and loving family. I love you Lola Julia!

1 comment:

  1. This is really interesting…
