Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Not that Obvious

Well, I've mentioned that I took Leisure 18 Orange Juice for two weeks. I stopped for a week and drink again for another week, the remaining juice for one week more is still on top of our refrigerator. I no longer want to drink it because of what I read about the bad content of the said juice. Anyway when I visited my OB last Monday I find out that I lose weight from 62kl to 59kl, wew. That is from 136.4lbs to 129.8lbs much better number, hehe. Anyway just like I said its not that noticeable but I did feel that some of my pants are a little loose. But still the belly that I want to disappear is still bulging, urgh! I guess that needs a little work out. I am not sure if I can do that. Holiday is just around the corner and the 3kls that I lose might come back, waaaa. Haayss.. I guess I just need to accept reality, lol.

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