Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Life at 30

Wow! I just turned 30 last Sunday.... it makes me feel old.. urgh! Life is really fast and I can still remember those days when I was still studying and just thinking of homework and how to pass my grades. Now I have my own family, a loving husband and two adorable kids. We just moved to our new house May of this year and starting to build our dreams for our kids. At this age I no longer dream of having a big party during my birthday. I just want to be with my family and have a simple celebration. Last Sunday I spent it with my mom and dad, my brother's darwin and his family in Tagaytay.

Dandan, David and Rhaine playing

Darwin and Dandan, Mamu and Mamay, David and Rhaine

David, Rhaine and Me

David, Robin and Rhaine

1 comment:

  1. i know how you feel! hndi rn ako mkpniwala n trenta n pla ako. hehe. belated happy bday!
