Thursday, December 9, 2010

Gold Certified

At last! After reading a lot... (promise a lot of power points and knowledge base) I was able to pass Gold Certification at work. That is the 3rd level. First is bronze, 2nd is silver followed by Gold. Another movement in my career. One of my plan for next year is to have a morning shift. I guess it is no longer possible. As I undergo the process of Gold Certification I also have pending application for a Service Analyst Position in the morning shift. I guess it is God's will. I submitted that application since October and was about to be interviewed this December but was cancelled. One of my team mate says 'Once a tech, always a tech.' I am trying to change my path but I guess destiny is leading me where I need to be. Goodbye to morning shift... it will be another year of talking over the phone... wew. 

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