Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Christmas Party at Work

Last December 11 we had our Christmas Party at work. It was different from last year retro party, this time its like a family day. All of us are allowed up to bring 3 person, either family or friends. The venue was held at our basketball court. My son is excited to come when I told him Jollibee would be there. When we arrive my son saw the giant inflated slide and a small inflated balloon where kids can jump. Almost the rest of the party he was sliding and jumping. There are also goodies for kids like cotton candy, hotdog on stick and popcorn. There is also booth for small games like basketball and shoot the ring. Face painting for kids is one of the activity as well. My son actually had a glittered scorpion on his right arm. Chicken with spaghetti from Jollibee was served for everyone. Staff of Jollibee entertained us with their games and dance with Jollibee and Hetty. Overall I would say my kid did enjoy it but it doesn't feel like Christmas party to me. Its more of a fun fair for kids. I guess those employees who doesn't have kids will not really enjoy. Most of the employees are expecting party and not a family day. Anyway I am thankful that my kid did have fun. 

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