Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas 2010

I don't know what is the reason I don't feel or I am not that excited about Christmas. Is it true that its for kids only and not for adults? I guess one thing that affects me is my environment. We don't have christmas decor at home and I only see few houses with christmas lights. Also I guess not having much to spend for the holiday affects me. They say Christmas is not about giving gifts but rather remembering birth of Jesus Christ. This is also time to be with your family to celebrate and be thankful for the great year. But still I feel sad for not having money to buy gifts for my friends and loved ones. I was not even able to buy gifts for my kids (this is the saddest part for me). Haaaysss.... 

When I got married 5 years ago, we always spend Christmas with my husband's family. It is because only in this season my mother-in-law would go home from Hongkong. This time she is not coming to the Philippines, I know this is quite sad for my husband and his sisters. But because of this I asked my husband to spend christmas eve with my parents. I know its going to be a memorable night since my brothers with their family will also be there. Merry Christmas to all! Goodbye 2010!

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