Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Chrismtas Eve

Our Christmas eve was very quiet. I cooked some of the food for our noche buena. I cooked spaghetti, fried chicken, menudo and caldereta. We have lots of food on the table but only few of us. My dad is having drinking session with Tito Joe and Tito Pip outside my mom's house. My brother Darwin and his wife, Rica, are also there but they just slept on Christmas eve because they don't have rest yet from work. My husband and my little girl are also asleep. It was me, my mom and David who are there in the kitchen. My brother Dennis and his family was not able to come. Me and my mom had chitchat and we played with David's new remote control car. The whole neighborhood is very quiet and I don't hear any christmas song. We slept at around 4am I think. In the morning my husband and David leave and went to our house. Tito Joe and Tito Peter decided to go to Batangas. My mom and dad supposedly should come with them but changed their mind. My Dad left the house also with his kumpares. It was me, my mom and Rhaine who was left. We are hiding inside the house because of lots of carolers. We are pretending nobody is in the house, hehehe. We just talked all day, have a nap and browse the web. We planned to go to the mall but decided not to leave. It was really a quiet Christmas for us... a rest I would say for me. I am hoping that the coming new year celebration would be more fun! Merry Christmas to all! 

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