Wednesday, August 25, 2010

PNP Bad Image

I don't really watch television that is why last Monday when I went to work that is the only time that I find out about the hostage taking of the Chinese Tourists. Browsing the web, reading comments from different people even though I haven't watch the actual footage it looks like most people are blaming our police. They said that our police are not trained and look very funny during the said incident. They are not serious about the problem and doing things without a very good plan or maybe no plan at all. 

Some countries already announced a travel ban and most OFWs are affected. OFW in HK are I guess the most affected people in abroad. One effect of this is less tourism in our country. Police in our country already have a bad image. Me as a Filipino, every time I saw a police, I always think that they will ask for "kotong." That is their trade mark to me. Bribery and kotong, everything can be arrange by money. I don't know how our policemen will change their image. I am actually hopeless. I still believe that there are still very few police that are good but still most of them are corrupt. This incident makes me feel that our policemen are really no good. 

Looking at them standing at their post. Smoking, laughing very loud, with a big tummy, chatting with other police... sorry to say I don't feel respect to them anymore. I am afraid of them because they might use their power to abuse people. They use their gun and authority not for the betterment of our countrymen but for their own good. I am sad that this is happening and I hope someone would stand up and change this image and make the Filipino people proud of our police. I hope someone would stand up so that our respect for them will be restored. I hope... I hope...


  1. I will tell you this not all policemen are the same the way you think of...

  2. Yes, just like I said I still believe that there are good policemen but then the evils are too many that the good ones are rarely seen.

    I still remember in highschool when my necklace was snatched in Pasay. The first question of the police is how much is it? wow talaga!

  3. well to tell you, not all policemen are bad, they are only tainted by the offenses of the few. The problem with you people, you only see the bad thing that police has done, well i could say, tri-media is a great contributory on this. They only published the bad image of the police but the many good things were left behind. We have so many colleagues who gave and risks their lives to protect lives and properties of this country. We know, we cannot please everybody but i could say, you won't understand the Police service unless you became one, or any member of your family. Police are bound to perform our duty first before anything else.

  4. not all policemen are bad... i still see some of them who are rendering service with commitment and dedication...
