Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Our Computer would not Power On

My husband was playing Frontierville when all of the sudden our computer shutdown. I am already sleeping when he said it. I checked it last night and it looks like the AVR has no problem. Our monitor and speakers are getting power from it. We had this computer for more than 3 years now. I remember this is the first thing that we bought when I got my first credit card. It is customized by us, we selected the parts and let PC Corner do the assembly. I paid for it for 1year. The only part that I replace so far is the DVD writer. I will check it later. I guess it might be the power supply that has gone bad. I hope its only a glitch hehehe. Anyway, I already started to browse at PC Express website for a new power supply. It cost around P1500, wew. Bad timing, I have a lot of bills.... haayss but what can I do.... we use our computer everyday. We can go without the television but I guess not with the computer. Maybe I should sell our TV to get a PS... hehehe just joking. Haaays really bad... @_@

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