Tuesday, July 27, 2010

My 5 year old Kid got UTI

AZO Urinary Tract Infection Test Strips, 3-Count Boxes (Pack of 2)Last Saturday we are supposed to go to Batangas to celebrate my grandmother's 81st birthday. Unfortunately something bad happen on Friday. I was still at work when my husband give me a phone call. He said David is vomiting. When I came home I knew he is not feeling well. All he wants to do is to lie down and sleep. He is not the kid who loves to play and run around. My husband and I decided to bring him to his pedia, Dra. Estorninos, at Casa Medica in SM Southmall. We are told that David needs to be confine and need to have blood and urinalyis test. 

We bought him in Las Pinas Medical Center. Just like before he did not cry when the nurse inserted the dextrose. We asked him not to look and tell him its going to be very quick. He was confined around 2:30pm and from morning till noon he actually vomited 10 times. During the morning he doesn't have fever and it was in afternoon when his fever started. After the blood and urinalysis test I was told by the nurse that his WBC is high which means that there is an infection. It was the doctor who told me that David has UTI. His urinalysis shows puss on his urine. He was given antibiotic to drink. We only stayed in the hospital for one day. He was told to finish his antibiotic for one week and we will visit his pedia after that. He was also advised to have another urinalysis before the check up.

I am a little bit worried because yesterday he was complaining about stomach pain. I was thinking it is not his stomach and it might have something to do with his UTI. We will visit his pedia this Friday and I hope everything is ok.

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