Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Getting an Eyeglasses Online

In this modern world we can almost get everything online. The world is getting smaller and internet is becoming a necessity now a days. With the power of the internet you can search about different things which you use to do in the library before. Online purchase is becoming popular too because it is easier to search for a product and look for a cheaper price. You don't need to walk around or drive just to look for what you need. You can do all of these by just a click of your mouse.

I've tried paying things online but I really haven't tried buying or ordering an item. This online business actually affects some resellers and would you believe even doctors and clinics. Let us talk about getting  eyeglasses online. Most of them would ask you for the Rx subscription from your ophthalmologist so that they can get the correct PD (Pupillary Distance). Some doctors would not give your PD unless you will purchase an eyeglasses for them. Some will give it to you with a professional charge. For my own opinion it is alright to have a charge to do a check up and have a subscription but they should not force their customer to get the eyeglasses from them. As a customer it is my choice where I want to buy my eyeglasses. Just like having a check up with any doctor, a fee is needed but you are not force to buy the medicines from them.

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