Saturday, February 13, 2010

Work of the Devil

I just noticed that within our neighborhood and even at work a lot of couple are struggling on their marriage or I would say on their relationship. Some are already broken while some are mostly likely going there. I never deny that we also had a fight before that almost lead to separation. I looked at this as work of the devil. Satan is trying to destroy families since it is the main unit of every community. If he is successful in doing that a lot of evil things follow. A lot of problems actually occur.

This comes in to my mind when one day there was this religious group giving away small comics about different issues that we encounter as an individual. But the front page is about separation. I read the part about it and then this came in to my mind that the devil is actually working hard for this. It was mention there that most couple think that if they no longer feel love for each other or they always fight then the best resolution is separation. In the bible it was mention that what God has combined no one should separate. It was also mention that you will not commit sin if the reason of separation is your partner committed adultery.

It is really hard to recover specially if there is no more trust between the couple. Spiritual guidance is needed. I believe if the couple even though no longer feel any thing for each other but has a willingness to follow God will be able to restore their relationship. There are lot of couples that have been in to these situation and when they recover they have better and sweeter relationship. If you have this problem right now seek God's guidance and better have someone (a good servant of God) to give you counseling.  
Don't allow Satan ruin your relationship.

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