Thursday, February 11, 2010

5th Year Wedding Anniversary

Last February 9, 2010 was our 5th year wedding anniversary. They said a good gift for this is something made up of wood. Well, we don't have any gift for each other but we had a good time together on that day. 

We waited for David, my first son, to come out of school at around 11am so that we can brought the kids to my mom. We decided to have lunch outside and have David cut his hair before going to my mom's house. Good thing though when I send a text message to mommy she is also at SM Molino, the same place where we are going. We had our lunch together with Mamu at Greenwich. We ate fried chicken with rice, spaghetti and hawaiin pizza. It was really a heavy meal, yummy!!! After that we went to a barber shop in the mall to cut David's hair and there also both of us had a relaxing foot spa. My mom went home with my two kids. After the foot spa we also had a pedicure. This is our first time to have a foot spa.

We then decided to watch a movie. Good thing Avatar is still showing since we haven't watched it. Since it is still more than an hour before the start of the next show we decided to spend time playing Bingo. We won the blackout game but we did not get the big prize, we only got P404, hehehe. After more than an hour of playing we bought shawarma so that we can have something to eat inside the cinema. Bad thing the lady on the ticket booth said that it is not allowed inside because of the strong smell. We still have 15mins left before the start of the movie so we ate it with a rush. It is a little messy because of the sauce.

I enjoyed the movie even though all we have left is just mineral water. Before I thought Avatar is a cartoon. The story is really amazing specially the effects. There is no dull moment and that is what I really like. The movie is not for little kids because of the story, maybe a 10 or 11 yrs old will be able to relate to it. Pandora is a beautiful place, I would like to see a forest glittering just like in the movie.

It was almost 8pm when we walked out the movie theater. We played video games for a few minutes before we went to Mamu's house. We just walk from SM Molino going to Camella gate, I guess it is 3-5minutes walk. The kids are excited to see us back and we had our dinner at my mom's house then we went home. It was a tiring day but one of the moments that I will treasure the rest of my life.

H A P P Y  5th  Y E A R  A N N I V E R S A R Y  M A H A L!!!

GoldenRest Adjustable Beds

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