Thursday, October 8, 2009

Web Directory - Increases Search Engine Ranking

Not everyone is aware of web directory or link directory. If you are searching for a broad topic it would be better to use this instead of a search engine. For example, if you wanted to search about home. Using a web directory will give you subcategory from a specific category. Example you main category is home and it will give you subcategories like apartment living, decor, do it yourself, home appliance, shopping, urban living etc.

It somewhat look like a search engine but it is not. It displays a list of web pages not based on keyword but by category and subcategory. The categorization is based on the whole website rather than one page or keyword.

If you have a website and wanted to increase your search engine ranking this is one option that you can do. You can submit your website to a web directory. Some are free while others require payment which is usually for business web directory. Submitting a website doesn't necessarily mean that you are already part of the directory. They would verify your site if it qualifies and can be added to a specific category. Try registering your site in to a web directory and get a boost in your search ranking. 

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