Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Mafia Untraceable Cellphone

Mafia Wars is one of the application that I like in Facebook. In this war game you need to enhance your skills by leveling up. This can be done by doing jobs and fighting other players. Currently I am only level 93 and have 82 mafias.

My husband joined mafia wars but I don't know why he doesn't have option for properties to earn money. What he has is what you called racket. You need to gain influence to start a racket and wait for a certain period before you can claim the money. The money doesn't go in automatically, you need to click on it once the racket is completed.

While improving my mafia I got a problem finishing a certain job because I don't have enough untraceable cellphone. I thought I can lean on asking gift but then not. I searched online and I find out that I can get what I need by doing the job "Rob an Electronic Store" which is in the Enforcer Tier. Here I come I will be able to finish my jobs now and level up. Come and join my mafia.

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