Thursday, April 30, 2009

Internet Fraud

While checking my email I noticed that I have 5 spams. In my gmail account I rarely get spam emails unlike in yahoo. When I take a peek on it, it gives me an excitement because of the subject.

The Global Award Programme.Therefore you have been approve for a lump sum payout of (£950.000.00 GBP) by your E-ID send your details

Phone Number:...............

Yours faithfully,
Mrs Joan Thomas

But then my instinct made me think that this could be one of those internet fraud. So tried to search online and find this website .

These were the emails mention,,

I don't know what they will do with my contact information just incase I reply to it. Or maybe if I reply to it they will ask for money for me to get the said amount. Anyways, just be careful guys not to give out your personal information to anyone. Beware of internet fraud.

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