Monday, April 27, 2009

Having Faith in Midst of the Impossible

Faith, believes in things that is unseen, like believing in God. We actually have faith on a lot of things that we maybe are not aware of. Example, sitting on chair believing that it can take our weight, riding a bus or jeep believing that it will bring us safe to our destination, eating food in restaurant believing that it's clean and would not cause any disease etc. How is your faith in God? Or do you have faith in Him? Do you only worship and give thanks to Him when everything is smooth in your life?

I think it is human nature to only pray when things are not doing right. We must change that attitude and learn to pray no matter what the situation is. Most of the time we pray more often when we are having difficulties in life. If everything is all right we just say "Thank you, Lord or forget about Him. We tend to relax and think that everything is under control.

How do you think we can improve our faith with God? Romans 10:17 (King James Version) says "So then faith cometh by hearing, hearing the word of God." If you don't know God's word or I would say God's promises how would claim it or believe in it. We should do our part as children of God. This is what I learned last Sunday service. We should KNOW God's word, BELIEVE in God, OBEY God and PRAY with thanks giving.

True faith is tested in times of trial. Let say you are praying for healing of your love one but instead God take him away, you are praying for financial help but it seems like its getting worst and you are losing more, you are praying for your husband or wife but instead they betray you and leave you for someone else. When God says no to your prayer, how do you react? Do you blame God or do you still continue worshipping and praising him?

"Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?" this is Job's answered to his wife when he was told to curse God and die. Right now I am having financial problem. My husband doesn't have a job, I am thinking of hospital bills when I give birth this coming July, how will be able to survive for 2 months during my maternity leave when I don't have income, my credit card bills, enrollment of my son this coming June... etc. Though I am not getting enough sleep, sometimes I am not feeling well, my back hurts due to pregnancy I couldn't afford to absent because of our financial needs. A lot of times I wanted to give up but I know there is no escape and things will not get better if I will not be strong enough to face this trial. I also don't want my kid to suffer if I give up. After the service, it was then I realize I was having a very big burden because I am carrying all of these all by myself and forget about God. I walk on my own ways, look for my own solution and forget that there is a big God who is bigger than my problem.

I pray to God to forgive me for neglecting Him and I know we will be able to surpass this trial. No matter what happen I don't want to lose my relationship with Him. I know God's in control and He knows what is best for me.

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