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Tuesday, June 30, 2009
2nd Day of my ML
Monday, June 29, 2009
1st Day of my ML
Managing Your Debt
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Maternity Leave
Friday, June 26, 2009
Paypal Bank Codes
ASIA UNITED BANK | 011020011 |
BANGKOK BANK | 010670019 |
BANK OF AMERICA | 010120019 |
BANK OF CHINA | 011140014 |
BANK OF COMMERCE | 010440016 |
BANK OF TOKYO | 010460012 |
CHINA BANKING CORP | 010100013 |
CITIBANK N.A. | 010070017 |
DEUTSCHE BANK | 010650013 |
DEVT BANK OF THE PHILS (DBP) | 010590018 |
EAST WEST BANK | 010620014 |
EXPORT & INDUSTRY BANK | 010860010 |
FUJI BANK | 010640010 |
INTL EXCHANGE BANK | 010680012 |
JP MORGAN CHASE BANK | 010720011 |
MAYBANK OF THE PHILS | 010220016 |
PHIL NATIONAL BANK (PNB) | 010080010 |
PHIL TRUST COMPANY | 010090039 |
PHIL VETERANS BANK | 010330016 |
PRUDENTIAL BANK | 010150018 |
SECURITY BANK & TRUST CO | 010140015 |
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
David in Progress
I hope everything will go smoothly for the rest of the school year. To others it is nothing important but as a parent every little progress , every little achievement, every little thing that your baby is doing is very important to you. As an award I let him play at, the whole day.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Back to Hongkong

Crying Problem in Nursery School
My husband decided to bring him at home since he would not stop crying if his Dad would not stay inside the classroom. I guess Robin was not able to control his temper and spank David several times. I want to stop him from doing that but I don't want David to think that I am against his Dad. David would stare at me while crying as if he is asking for help. I feel sorry for my child, I don't want him to quit school or be afraid of going to school. I told my husband instead of waiting for my child just left him with his teacher and just come back to fetch him. I hope later everything will be alright. I am really worried about David.
David is a bright child at home. At the age of 4 he knows his ABC's, he can already count 1 up to 20, identify colors and shapes, has good reflexes, and he talks a lot. My husband told me that his teacher is asking him to right the letter A and David was not able to do it. I told him I already taught him to right his first name. I think David has this inner anxiety or fear inside the classroom. I know he cannot concentrate on things for a long time which is normal for kids but I guess he is afraid of mingling with other kids or afraid to do mistakes. Sometimes I was thinking his teacher is not good because part of her responsibility is to be able to help kids cope up with their emotional problem. They are only 12 kids in the class and I am hoping he could get any award in the end of the school year.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Double Celebration

Friday, June 19, 2009
Swelling During Pregnancy (Manas)

Some reliefs for edema:
- drink plenty of water
- sleep on your left side to improve blood circulation
- keep your feet elevated when sitting down or lying down
- do not cross your legs
- take regular breaks from sitting and standing
- avoid consuming excess salt
- stretch your legs frequently while sitting
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Billiards Online
If you love playing billiards then you will definitely enjoy playing this online at It is very easy to register and it is absolutely free. You can play with different people around the world. After the registration you can play right away and there is no need to activate your account by waiting for a confirmation email. Visit their website and enjoy playing billiards online. Invite your friends as well so that you can play even late at night.
Monday, June 15, 2009
First Day of School
Friday, June 12, 2009
How to Avoid Illegal Recruitment
How to Avoid Illegal Recruitment
- Do not apply at recruitment agencies not licensed by POEA.
- Do not deal with licensed agencies without job orders.
- Do not deal with any person who is not an authorized representative of a licensed agency.
- Do not transact business outside the registered address of the agency. If recruitment is conducted in the province, check if the agency has a provincial recruitment authority
- Do not pay more than the allowed placement fee. It should be equivalent to one month salary, exclusive of documentation and processing costs.
- 6.Do not pay any placement fee unless you have a valid employment contract and an official receipt.
- 7Do not be enticed by ads or brochures requiring you to reply to a Post Office (P.O.) Box, and to enclose payment for processing of papers.
- Do not deal with training centers and travel agencies, which promise overseas employment.
- 9.Do not accept a tourist visa.
- 10.Do not deal with fixers.Since my husband is applying for a job in Dubai I was searching online on how to avoid being scam. I saw this guideline from POEA and I got worried. It was mention that the placement fee should be equivalent to 1 month salary exclusive of documentation and processing. They are being asked to pay almost 3 times of their expected salary and was told that they will not be given any receipt. I send an email to for assistance and I hope I would get a reply from them. If you have any info about Lucky International Management Service please leave a comment, this is the agency where my husband made an application.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Narra Dining Set

Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Saturday, June 6, 2009
God's Design for Marriage
Most people look at marriage just a "legal union" of individual. Some will say that it is your love that matters and marriage is not given an importance at all. If you are already married or planning to get married it is very important that you understand God's design for it and its purpose. This is what I've learned on Chapter 2 of "Love Life for Every Married Couple."
2. Marriage was designed by God to meet the first problem of the human race: loneliness
3. Marriage was planned and decreed to bring happiness, not misery.
Genesis 2:23, When Adam saw Eve she called her bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh because she was taken out of man. Adam feelings shows how dear and important Eve to his life. It is like saying “I finally found the one who complete me, who takes away my loneliness, who will be as dear to me as my own flesh. She is so beautiful! She is perfectly suited to me. She is all I will ever need.”
4. Marriage must begin with a leaving of all other relationships in order to establish a permanent relationship between one man and one woman.
“Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.”
Genesis 2:24
We must understand, that marriage begins with a leaving: leaving all other relationships. Some couples prefers to continue leaving with their parents which most of time causes conflicts within the relationship. This is necessary so that the man’s full commitment is to his wife and vice versa, wife’s full commitment is to her husband. The man should no longer be dependent to his parents, he can no longer be under their authority. The man is now the head of his own family.
This also means that we must put all other priorities behind like business, career, house, hobbies, talents, interest, or even church work. You should put your marriage as a priority. Unless you are willing to leave all else, you will never develop the thrilling oneness of relationship that God intended for every married couple to enjoy.
5. Marriage requires an inseparable joining of husband and wife through their lifetime.
The next principle that we need to understan from Genesis 2:24 aside from leaving is you must be ready to spend a lifetime cleaving with your partner.
Anything that draws the two of you together and cements your relationship more firmly will be a part of cleaving. Anthing that puts distance between you – mentally or physically – should be avoided because it breaks the divine pattern of marriage.
If you are going to make a decision try to ask these questions to yourself. Will this draw us closer or drive us apart? Will it build our relationship or tear it down? Does it express my love and loyalty to my partner or does it reveal my self-centered individualism?
6. Marriage means oneness in the fullest possible sense, including intimate physical union without shame.
“Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be on flesh. And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.”
Genesis 2:24-25
For this reason marriage must be monogamous, which means for two people only. God made one woman for one man.
Beauty Tips from Scrubs
Do you feel beautiful after a long sleep or you look horrible that you don't want to look in the mirror? So that you will feel refresh and look younger after a long rest try some of these tips. Very common of course is to have at least 8 hours of rest. I have this attitude of sleeping on my left side especially now that I am pregnant but I find out that if we sleep on one side or on stomach too much that can cause wrinkles. It is better to sleep on your back. I guess I need to stop my habit of sleeping on my side.
One of my habits as well is going to sleep without removing my make up. I am too tired from work so usually I would just change clothes; brush my teeth and go to sleep. That is actually bad for our skin because it can cause our pores to clog and let toxins penetrates more deeply. Maybe that is why I get a pimple sometimes. After washing your face don't forget to put on moisturizers as well.
I was once told to brush my tongue when brushing my teeth and this is the first time that I heard that we can also scrub our lips. This is to avoid dried and lined lip which is common as we grow old.
You can visit Scrubs for more beauty tips like how to take care of your nails and make up tips.
SSS Website

Well, another problem is their website. I was asked by our HR to submit my SSS contribution to and I was told I can get it through their website. Unfortunately, its been 3 days now and their website is down. I even visited to SSS office and I was told that their system is offline. Wow! I searched google and it looks like that SSS website issue is ongoing for years now. I hope our government will do something about this issue.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Thursday, June 4, 2009
NTLDR is Missing or Corrupt

My Windows XP installer is with my mom and I hope I can fix it by copying and ntldr to c:\ drive. I don't want to go into the process of reinstalling the whole OS. It takes time to do it and I need to reinstall all my application. Haayss... :-(
Toys for Your Little One's
If you go in to the shop section of MEGA Brands you will not have a hard time looking for toys. You can search by Age, by Brands, by Price, by Categories, by Themes, and Award Winners. Some of the features of the website is they give description of the toy, stores where you can buy it, benefits from the product and video reviews. You can also process your purchase online and you will notice that their prices are very affordable. I would like to get this Spiderman car for my kid since he is very fascinated by this superhero.

Monday, June 1, 2009
Love Life for Every Married Couple

- We have a good marriage now, but we want to continue to grow in love for each other.
- We have never been in love, not even when first married.
- We have lost the love that we once felt for each other.
- Frankly, I am no longer in love with my partner.
- My partner is indifferent or seems to love someone else.
- We do care about each other, but our marriage is dull.
- I would like to know what I can do to improve our relationship.
- I want to restore our love and save our marriage, but my partner is uncooperative.
- My partner wants a divorce.
- We have serious problems but are agreed on trying to save our marriage.
- Both of us want to learn how to fall in love with each other.
- We're newly weds who want to build a love that will last and become more enjoyable all the time.