Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Rhaine's 3rd Birthday

Today is my daughter's 3rd birthday. When I ask her what she wanted to do on her birthday, she just said sing happy birthday and blow candle on her cake. Haaysss.... kids at this age are really innocent. Simple things makes them happy. She's so funny, lovable and fun to be with. She actually makes our house lively and colorful. Although sometimes she gives me head ache because of so much "kakulitan."

Will have a liitle celebration later. Robin will cook spaghetti and I already prepared fruit salad. Nanay said she would bring ice cream and Tita Weng will buy her a cake. This cake will fulfill her birthday wish, hehe. Anyways she also likes to have an Ipad just like his brother. I told her when she turn 7 years old. That's 4 years from now I wonder if Ipad is still available or there maybe a better gadget.

Thank you Lord for my wonderful kids!

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