Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday Rhaine Danielle

Purple #2 CandleLast July 10, 2011, Sunday, my little girl Rhaine celebrated her 2nd birthday. It's a very simple celebration. We cooked spaghetti, fried chicken, hotdogs and mallows on sticks, menudo, dynamite (chili finger) and I prepared coffee jelly for desert. Her tita weng brought cake and ice cream. We just give out food to our new neighbors and celebrate the special event with our family. Our first visitor is Mamu followed by my BFF Anette. In the afternoon Tita Weng and Michael arrived. Late noon Tito Andy and his family arrived too. It was my brother Darwin as our last visitor. Bad for me since our computer is still broken I did not bother charging my digital camera. Though we don't have any pictures to keep, the memories will stay in my heart. This day the stye on her right eye is almost healed while on the other eye it just popped. I love you Rhaine!

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