Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Taiwan Placement Fee

My husband applied for a job in Taiwan and currently is waiting for a job order. He applied at Jerzon Manpower in Buendia. He already passed the interview and the medical exam. He was told once the contract arrives they need to pay for down payment and make another payment once the ticket is available. We need to prepare about P95k. Wew! I find it too big for a placement fee but he said that is the trend for Taiwan jobs. I did find Jerzon in POEA list but I really don't have any idea about working abroad. My dad mention that they have a neighbor who just left for Taiwan and did pay P95k. My husband is really excited and have lots of dream for us. Me, I have mixed emotions. I understand that he would be able to provide us better financial support but then thinking of him to be far from us really frightens me. Anyway, I guess that's how life is, it is full of risk. I pray to God that this would be for the betterment of every one. 

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