Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A Little Landscape

Home Outside: Creating the Landscape You Love
Two days ago a man in motorcycle came knocking at our door. He was offering a landscape in front of our house. We have very little space in the front (approx 6x18 feet) which I was not able to afford yet to fix. I am planning to close it and put a gate. He offered me 3k for the landscape plus a little kickback, P500 for his own pocket. He offered me 1month to pay it. I got carried because of the installment plan. He even offered additional service like putting stones on our wall, adding groto and having a waterfalls with fish pond. Well I thought having a fish pond is ok but my mom says its already expensive. He is offering me 11k for the landscape plus the waterfalls with fish pond. So I decided instead just to have the landscape. Since my computer is still not fix until now ( a different story ) I am unable to take a picture and post it here. Anyway I am satisfied with the outcome and is waiting for the blue grass to thicken and become very green. I don't have a green thumb but I hope our little landscape would look better and better as days goes by. I am still planning to have a gate but I am planning to keep our cute little landscape. 

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