Wednesday, May 18, 2011

New Linoleum Flooring

Less than two weeks from now we will move to our new sweet home. Last Sunday as preparation we decided to put linoleum flooring for the mean time. Cement floor is very dusty and since we have kids (small ones) having easy to clean and affordable flooring is a good idea. Urgh! My bad, I made a wrong calculation of how much we need. So what happen then is we went back to SM to buy more linoleum. Unfortunately when we came the design that we bought is no longer enough for what we need. We then decided to get a different color and design. Well I just think of it as a division, hehe, since we don't have room division yet. The first column I said is the bedroom and then the remaining different design is for the sala and the kitchen. Anyway in the future (???) we would like to replace it with tiles. 

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