Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Too Busy for Holy Week

It looks to me that a lot of people are very busy celebrating Holy Week. Remembering how Jesus Christ died for us to save us from our sins. It's a holiday for regular employees but for us in the call center it just a regular work day (though we are given premium pay). I was able to see people carrying "palaspas," I've heard of those making "penitensya" and "panata", people doing confession, attending different mass, some people are having reunions and summer outing etc.

The week pass by just like any other regular days. I find myself too busy on lot of things. I am busy at work, busy on FB and other online stuff, busy with household chores, busy with my family, busy preparing for our new house, busy watching TV, busy on what to eat, busy on what to wear, busy thinking on what will happen in the future, so busy on this earthly things. I am always worried on lots of things and forgot that there is God. I become so independent and forgot that God is there to help me. I try to solve my problems on my own strenghth and forgot that God is just waiting for me so that I will not be so weak. 

I think I need a break and spend time renewing my faith and love for Jesus. With lots of responsibilities, I focused too much on what I need to do. I focused too much on our needs, my family needs. I focused too much on me, I, myself..... forgetting my first love, Jesus. 

Lord, forgive me for being to selfish and starting to do things on my own. Sorry for neglecting you and sorry for not being a good servant. I really am not a good child but I do thank you for your unconditional love. I thank you for your helping hand even I am not asking for help. I thank you for everything. Please help me to come back to your loving arms and start again the flame in my heart. 

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