Thursday, March 3, 2011

Endaya Clan Reunion 2011

Last February 26, 2011 we had our reunion at Cuenca Institute. The theme of the party is retro. We arrived early at my lola's house but they don't want to be there in the said event so early. We went there around 5pm and the party started at 4pm. They are already calling the family of each clan. This reunion by the way are the siblings of my grandfather on my mother's side and their families. Not lots of people are wearing retro including me. I don't have talent in dancing at all, since the party is dancing all night I am not into it. There are lots of foods as usual. Sad part is that on our side only 2 siblings of my mother come and they are actually not sure 12 or 13. I have some pictures taken but then it is still on my camera. I was able to remember the faces of some but really I can't remember their names. I am looking forward to our next reunion next year. 

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