Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Another Bad Experience with Citibank

I posted before about BDO vs Citibank service and I voted for Citibank as a better one. But then this is the 2nd time that I've encountered bad service with them.  This time my problem all started when they upgraded my credit card to titanium. For almost three years I don't have any problem accessing my account online. However after they change my card I can no longer access it. Even the e-bill that they are sending me I am unable to open. I requested online for them to send me my cash advanced pin so that I can register again but it's been almost a month and I haven't receive anything. I was able to access what I need to using the quick inquiry online and I said this would be good for me for the meantime. But after the last update on their website I can no longer check my account even on quick inquiry. Both my credit card are not working. I tried to re-register since I was able to find my cash pin but it doesnt accept it, I guess because I have a new cc. I visited Citibank in Madrigal but since I am too early the guard just asked me to call the hotline. I talked to a young lady named Lye and she said she would send me my new cash pin and I should get in within 5-7 banking days. I hope this would fix my problem because I have no way to check how much my bill at all without calling them. 

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