Thursday, January 13, 2011

What is your Bowl of Stew?

I am glad that last Sunday we are able to attend church. It is one of my goal for this year, 2011, to be able to worship and praise God every week. The topic then is that we should not be to complacent and stay in our comfort zone. The title of the sermon is Live in Godly Discomfort. We should learn to go out of our comfort zone to be able to improve and not be afraid of changes. We should not stop knowing God and share how good He is. But one thing that strikes me during the sermon is the story of Esau giving up his birth right for a bowl of stew.

In Genesis 25, you will be able to read the story of Esau when he agreed to have a bowl of stew in exchange of his birth right. During those days, the first born gets twice the inheritance of his siblings and he would be the head of the household. But since Esau was too hungry he did not think if the consequence of what he did. In our life sometimes we make decisions without thinking of the consequences. Will you exchange your family, your career, your friendship for a bowl of stew?

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