Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Payment Assistance Program

Yesterday I got a letter from Citibank offering me a payment assistance for my loan with them. I called them early this morning before 9am and the phone is just ringing. I try it again around 10am and waited for a minute or two and at last someone answered the phone. I thought nobody will answer because the phone just keeps on ringing without any voice prompt. Anyway someone who sounds like has a cold asked for my credit card number. I told him what I am calling for is about my loan. He then transferred me to another line. A girl answered and asked for my credentials. She said its not a good idea for me since I am in good standing. Although availing the said program would make my monthly bill a little lower it would extend the terms or the number of years. Like right now I only have 15months more left, if I took advantage of the payment assistance program it might lengthen up to 2 1/2 years, wew! And one more thing I will no longer be eligible to loan with them. Hmmm.... I decided not to proceed then. Once my loan is done I hope they would offer me lower interest rate or I might just go to another bank like Chinatrust. 

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