Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Ofloxacin for UTI

Last week we had our APE (Annual Physical Exam) at work. I was surprised when last Thursday the nurse handed me a prescription of Ofloxacin 200mg. I was told I have UTI and need to take the said medicine twice a day for 7 days. Another urinalysis is needed after that. 

When I went to Mercury Drugstore I was asked if I wanted just the generic and I said yes. Each tablet cost P28 so I paid P392 for my whole week of medication. Haaysss.... medicine in the Philippines are really expensive. I wonder how much is the non-generic. 

I am not feeling anything bad so I don't know that have UTI. I started reading about it and find out that it is more common in girls than boys. Sometimes you would not really have a symptom. It is said that you must submit the midstream of urine to avoid including bateria from the genital area that can confuse the result. The urine I submitted is actually the first stream. I don't know the probability of getting the bacteria from the outside part. However one thing I noticed then was my urine was so yellow. Anyway I am drinking the antibiotic now and will have another test after a week. I hope the result will be fine. 
Image of the human form showing location of kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra.
Our Urinary Tract System

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