Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A Simple Game During Idle Time

I was blog hopping trying to do something during my idle time. It's only half of my shift and I am getting bored. But its better rather than having lots of phone calls. I read on a blog that they play this game and was able to play it during their whole shift. hehehe. The game is very simple mouse game. You just need to drive the helicopter without crashing. The only control is to move the helicopter up (by holding down the left button of your mouse) and to go down is to release the left button of the mouse. They got a highscore of 2477. Well I just played it for a few minutes and got 836. I will try to play it more so that I can make a post on her blog and be proud that I beat them hehehe.

If you have nothing to do, try this and see how time flies. hehehe.

1 comment:

  1. Your company is awesome! Not every company allows their people to have idle times. In my former company, even social networking sites are prohibited. They have this key logger and if you try to open an account, your risk because they can have the password. Most companies have that so a little reminder buddy :)

    Stacey :|
    Parking Games
